Become a Member

Membership Fee

Why become a member?

Member testimony #1: “I have gotten exposure to many different resources that will help me achieve my goal of attending law school!”  

Member Testimony #2: “Since I am a new member of BPL, I have been able to meet and introduce myself to people that have similar goals and ambitions as me. I have also been able to start building relationships with group members of the organization through teamwork and good communication."

Networking / Connection development

As a Brock Pre-Law member, you will be given the opportunity to not only connect and build meaningful relationships with your peers, but also with established professionals and alumni.  Given that you and other members are a part of the same organization, you are bound to meet individuals who share similar goals and interests, a valuable resource for both the short and long term. Building connections and relationships will surely prove to be an instrumental component in job searches down the line.

Integration within the Brock community

Through your involvement in Brock Pre-Law, a multitude of possibilities to become immersed within the greater Brock community will become available through outreach with other clubs and societies and community events. This allows members the chance to meet new friends, expand interests in other areas of law, and become an active member of the Brock community.

Mentorship and Counsel

Through Brock Pre-Law, members are granted the opportunity to attend valuable information sessions with guest speakers ranging from BrockU Alumni, Law school students and graduates, law school representatives, and legal professionals. These informative sessions allow for members to develop a better understanding of the process behind applying for law school, what law school itself entails, and which aspect of the legal profession they wish to pursue. Involvement in Brock Pre-Law also allows for close connections to other members as well as our directors who can offer support and advice from a similar position.

Access to Educational tools, hands-on experience and training

As a member, you will be provided access to numerous resources to aid on your path towards a career in the legal field. Educational resources such as LSAT preparation material and the Pre-Law journal will undoubtedly help any members who are striving towards law-school or simply have a fascination with the law itself. Additionally, Brock Pre-Law is the Niagara region's foremost organization for hands-on law experience and training through mock trials and moot courts. Along with educational resources and hands-on experience, BPL also hosts numerous events throughout the academic year highlighted with guest speakers spanning from lawyers, paralegals, to law-school admissions coordinators.

Giving Back

Brock Pre-Law allows members to assist in contributing to the community while building important character traits. With your involvement in Brock Pre-Law, you will have the opportunity to volunteer at local events and organizations and aid in giving back to the Brock and  St. Catharines community while gaining valuable real world experience.

You will learn more about yourself

With Brock Pre-Law, you will be given the opportunities and experiences necessary to develop a better understanding of what you want out of your future legal career. Through the aforementioned legal workshops, mock trial and moot court, guest speakers and information sessions, you will achieve a greater knowledge of which area of law and position you wish to achieve and have obtained the necessary tools needed to excel and kickstart your potential legal career journey.

Build your resume, Law School personal statement, and life skills

The real world, hands-on experience you will gain from your membership will prove to be a valuable tool in the creation of your resume and law school personal statement. Demonstrating to employers and law school admission offices of your involvement in extracurricular activities such as a member of a university organization or volunteering within the community will prove that you are a hard-worker and can handle multiple responsibilities. Taking a prominent role within Brock Pre-Law and all associated activities will surely look excellent on both your resume and law school personal statement.

Become a Member

Sign up below, and pay a fee of $5.00 to become a member of the Brock University Pre-Law Society.

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